Order: Salicales

Genus:Salix L.
Species: Salix nigra
Identifying Characteristics: Leaves are alternate, long, and slender.
Leaves are ab
out 5-10 cm long and droop a bit. Bark is brown to blackish and somewhat scaley.
Special Adaptation: Grow in many types on soil, but its shallow roots need abundant moisture. Most
commonly found near water and in swamps.
Wood Frog

Species:Rana sylvatica
Identifying Characteristics: 2 in. -2.8 in long, females usually longer than
males. Adults
are usually brown, tan or rust colored and usually have a dark eye mask. Underside of frogs is usually pale with a yellow or green cast.
Special Adaptations: Large range due to its freeze tolerance.
Zoned Cork Hydnum

Genus: Phellodon
Species:Phellodon tomentosus
Identifying Characteristics:Thin, brown cap, flat or shallowly depre
ssed. Surface velvety. Cap may be pale dingy yellow on margin to dark brown towards center.
Special Adaptation: Cap turns black in KOH(potassium hydroxide) and and grey to black in FeSO4(iron sulfate).
Slippery/Red Elm

Species: Ulmus rubra
Identifying Characteristics: Leaves are 10-18cm long and have a rough t
exture, coursely double serrated margin, and oblique base. Hairy buds and twigs. Easily identified from Am
erican Elm by looking at bark sample. Bark cut will be red instead of having red with white lines like in the American Elm. Grows in moist soils next to water or in wetlands. Medicinal.
Special Adaptations: Elastic and shock resistant. Less susceptible to Dutch Elm Disease
Eastern American Toad
Species:Bufo americanus americanus
Identifying characteristics: Usually some shade of brown. Has 1-2 warts on its dark spots. Have chests that are cream or white colored with spots.
Special Adaptations: Often stay in one area where temperatures are cool, there is loose soil, and abundant food.

Species:Pilea pumila
Identifying characteristics:Stems are smooth, round, hairless, and translucent. Leaves are opposite, ovate, hairless and coarsely serrated. The upper surface is dark green while the lower surface is light green or almost white.

Special Adaptations: Found in many different areas, but t
ypically in moist woodlands.
Species:Impatiens capensis
Identifying Characteristics: Leaves are elliptical or triangular and are slightly toothed. Leaves are bluish green in color with a whitened underside. Flower is bright orange to red and forms a triangular tunnel. Found in moist, shaded areas.
Special Adaptations: Relieves itching from poison ivy, oak, stinging nettle and insect bites.
Dryad's Saddle Fungus

Species:Polyporus sqamosus
Identifying Characteristics: Stick out of shelves at lower part of dead tree trunks with its thick stem. Body is yellow to brown and has scales on its upper side. Cap is depressed in middle. On the underside there are many pores. Commonly found on dead elm trees and living maples.
Special Adaptations: Plays an important part in woodland ecosystem because it decomposes many dead trees.
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