Species: P. tharos
Identifying Characteristics: Upperside is orange with black boarder, crossed with fine black marks. Underside of hindwing had dark marginal patch containing light colored crescent. Wingspan 3.2-4.5 cm.
Special Adaptations: Males patrol open areas for females. Eggs laid on underside of host plant leaves. Large range and habitat.
Eastern Tailed Blue

Genus: Cupido
Species: C. comyntas
Identifying Characteristics: One narrow tail on hindwing. Upperside of male, iridescent blue. Summer females usually brown, spring females smaller with much blue on base
s. Underside of wing pale blue with black bar, distinct black spots and 3 large orange spots on outer margin near tail. Wing Span 2.2-2.9 cm.
Special Adaptations: Males patrol near host plants during daylight hours. Females lay eggs on flower buds, caterpillars eat buds, seeds, and flower.
Clouded Sulphur

Genus: Colias
Species: C. philodice
Identifying Characteristics: Upper surface of males wings bright clear yellow with solid black edging, lower side of forewing with some dark submarginal spots, hindwing with silver cell spot rimmed with orange-pink usually doubled. Females have 2 forms: yellow form with uneven black edging, enclosing yellow spots, and a white form which is greenish-white rather than yellow. Wing Span: 3.8-7 cm.
Special Adaptations: Very large range and habitat. Egg laid singly on hosts, caterpillars eat leaves.
Hackberry Emperor Butterfly:

Genus: Asterocampa
Species: A. celtis
Identifying Characteristics: Varies geographically. Upperside is reddish brown. Forewing has one submarginal eyespot, a jagged row of white spots and and a cell that has one solid black bar and two separate black spots. Wing span: 3.5-6.3 cm. Fly is fast erratic manner and rest upside down on tree trunks.
Special Adaptations: Males perch on tall objects in sunny areas to watch for females. Eggs laid in clusters and caterpillars feed communally. Caterpillars overwinter in groups gathered inside dead rolled leaves.
Indian Grass:

Species:S. nutans
Identifying Characteristics: Perennial grass that is 3-7' tall. Tight bunches of flowering clums and their leaves. Clums are light green to pale yellow. Blades are alternate leaves up to 2' long, dull to dark green, flat and hairless.
Special Adaptations: Dominant grass of prairies in historical times. Often used for tallgrass prairie restoration.
Flowering Spurge

Species: E. corrolata
Identifying Characteristics: 1/2-3' tall. Central stem in light green and hairless. Leaves are hairless, 1-2" long and 1/2" wide broadly linear or narrowly oblong with smooth margins. Alternate along the stem except at the apex where they occur is whorls of 3 beneath the flowers. Each flower contains a yellow cyanthium of very small yellow flowers which is surrounded by 5 petal like structures that are white.
Special Adaptations: Can be found in a wide range of habitats. Attract wasps, flies, and bees.
American Hogpeanut

Species:A. bracteata
Identifying Characteristics: Viney, spreading to 5 feet. Flowers are tubular like and is pink to white. Leaves have 3 leaflets and are alternate on stem. Hairy stem.
Special Adaptations: Edible flowers, stems, seeds and leaves.
Common Evening Primrose
Species:O. biennis

Identifying Characteristics: Alternate lance shaped leaves, that look similar to willow leaves, usually on a central stem, but there can be other stems off of that. Stems are light green or red and covered with white hairs. 4 yellow flowers. Likes full sun and somewhat sandy soil.
Special Adaptations: Favors disturbed areas.
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