Species: Prunus serotina
Identifying Characteristics:
-Simple Leaves, long and shiny, with serrated margins,small flowers with 5 white pe
tals and about 20 stamen, easily identifiable by bark on mature tree. Bark looks like burnt potato chips, broken, dark grey to black looking.
Special Adaptations:
-Can grow in many soil types. Grows best in sunlight.

White Pine
Species:Pinus strobus
Identifying Characteristics:
-Needles are soft and in bundles of 5.
Special Adaptations:
-Can live up to and beyond 400 years in the right conditions. Prefer well-drained soils and cool, humid climates but can also grow in boggy areas and rocky highlands. Dominate in many woods. Will grow very tall, up to 250 feet. Provide good shelter for many mammals. Has many human uses such as medicine and lumber.
American Goldfinch

Species:Spinus tristis
Identifying Characteristics:
-There is sexual dimorphism among the male and female American Goldfinch. Males are vibrant yellow in the summer and olive colored in the winter. Females are dull yellow-brown shade that will brighten a bit in the summer. Shorter, broader beaks for eating seeds than Yellow-throated Warblers.
Special Adaptations:
-Have actually benefitted from Humans. They are attracted to bird feeders in residential areas, which may have increase the numbers of the bird. They have not been effected by deforestations because their preferred habitat is open meadows and prairies.

Indigo Bunting
Species:Passerina cyanea
Identifying Characteristics:
-Small bird. Sexual dimorphism displayed in coloring. Males are vibrant blue during the
summer and brown during cooler months. Females are brown year-round. Beak is short and broad to eat seeds and insects.
Special Adaptations:
-Will interbreed with the Lazuli Bunting in the plains areas during migration. Large distribution and habitat.
Field Sparrow

Species:Spilzella Pusilla
Identifying Characteristics:
-small sparrow, dully marked, unstreaked chest, reddish cap, grey face with thin, white eye ring, pink bill.
Special Adaptations:
-Ground foragers, will eat insects and seeds that have already fallen. Males can survive winter and return to the same spot to breed each year. Females will not breed in the same location, young will leave the location they were born and not return to breed the following years. Males will start singing as soon as they arrive at their breeding location in spring.
Northern Cardinal

Species:Cardinalis cardinalis
Identifying Characteristics:
-Distinctive crest on head and a mask on the face which is black on the males and dull red-brown on females. Males are crimson red, females are grayish-brown with some dull red on wings, crest and tail feathers.
Special Adaptations:
-Large Range, will leave its range to migrate if needed. Ground foragers, will eat seeds, corn, a variety of insects and suck sap from holes left by sapsuckers. Feeding by humans in backyard feeders has generally benefitted the bird. It is found in woodlands, gardens, shrublands and swamps.
Pin Oak

Species:Quercus palusris
Identifying Characteristics:
-Leaves are long and broad, lobed, with 5-7 lobes. Each lobe has 5-7 bristle-tipped teeth. Deep and U-shaped in between lobes, looking almost like a C at some points. Some tufts of hair on vein joints.
Special Adaptations:
-Large range in U.S. and southern Canada, had been successfully introduces in Australia as well as Argentina. Naturally a wetlands tree but develops shallow roots. Young pin oaks keep their leaves year-round.
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